
Carné Joven de Canarias Visa Classic

Carné Joven de Canarias Visa Classic

Your identity document

Take a photo of your ID card or use an image you have saved

Carné Joven de Canarias Visa Classic

Carné Joven de Canarias Visa Classic
Select document type.
Upload a saved image
Take a picture from your mobile phone
  1. Scan this QR code with your mobile device:

    or enter the following code into your browser:
    and write the next code: X2HRD9

    When you have sent the images from your mobile device, click on this button

    Receive the photos on my mobile
Upload a saved image
Take a picture from your mobile phone
  1. Scan this QR code with your mobile device:

    or enter the following code into your browser:
    and write the next code: X2HRD9

    When you have sent the images from your mobile device, click on this button

    Receive the photos on my mobile